Blog yang berisi berita - berita, pikiran - pikiran, kisah dan tulisan - tulisan yang di tulis langsung oleh Rissa Indrasty, seorang mahasiswa jurusan jurnalistik . :)

Rabu, 27 April 2016

Supernova Akar 1

I think supernova akar better than supernova ksatria, putri dan bintang jatuh.

I like supernova ksatria, putri dan bintang jatuh because i love fairytale about ksatria , putri dan bintang jatuh. Besides, i like diva’s character in that book.

In supernova akar, i love this story so much !

A man who’s name bodhi.

He was abondaned by his parent in box in front of buddhist monastery. The buddhist monk nurtured him like his son, buddhiest monk name’s is Liong. Bodhi learned all about buddha region.

Bodhi grew up like a buddhiest monk. He had a bald head and something odd on his head, like has implant.Everyone who looks on his head will be scared and thing he was a monster. So, he always close his head with bandana.

One day bodhi feel wrong on his self, he can look microbe. He think he was crazy when he was looking that microbe in his food, in table, and averywhere. He feel disgust.

 Besides that, he can feel wat everyone feel. When he looks someone, he can feel dat someone feel, sad,happy, scare, afraid. He was stressed with this. He was angry and confussed, why buddha did this ?

Finally, he asked Liong that he want to leave biddhist monastery , but suddenly Liong reveal bodhi was his teacher. Liong told that bodhi was a true teacher. Liong has been dreamed all of this will happend. Liong told to bodhi that bodi had to went far away to find his own self.

First, bodhi roamed to Medan, Indonesia. He worked in hotel, he was cleaning service. He met foreign from malaysia, Azmil. Bodhi make a friend with him and help him to make realitionship with woman who has foodreastaurant. Azmil gave bodhi ticket to malaysia because bodhi’s merit he can merried with the woman that he loved.

Bodhi make fake passport and went to malaysia. Than, he met tristan. Foreign from Australia. They trip to thailand. Than , they separated in thailand. Tristan gave him thailand’s guide book and bodhi gave him rosary that he gave from liong before he went to medan.

Bodhi work in thailand and started to learned thailand language. He lived in room rent, cheap room. In that room there was some people who lived. That room just used to sleep for everyone. One day, he met Kell. Kell had very handsome face. Kell had much wife and husband whom can fullfill his finance because everyone fall in love with his face. Kell said that he waited Bodhi for a long time.

Something connected them, and kell knew bodhi in this place. He want bodhi to make tatoo on his body. Kell told strange story. One day he lost from earth . Everyone couldn’t find them. Than he some people find them unconscious and on his body there was 617 tatoos. He wanted bodhi to make tathoo 618 in his body.

Kell teached bodhi to make tatoo.. time to time, bodhi could make a good tatoo. Moreover, bodhi work with kell to make tatoo. And that day, a beautifull women, her name was star, some and lived in cheap room.

Star like artist, beautiful , sexy, has branded stuff. Didn’t know wat a reason she decided lived in that cheap room. But, Kell didn’t like her.

Star said that she wanted to make tatoo. Than, that day, bodhi promised to make tatoo. Star wanted everyone to leaved that room, cause she wanted using that room to make tatoo. Star wanted to make tatoo on his breast. She take off her cloth.

Bodhi started to make tatoo on her breast. Bodhi never stopped to read budha prayer. When bodhi finished his job, suddenly star approached to bodhi, she said that everytime she always flirted bodhi, but bodhi never ever looked at her. Than, star kissed bodhi’s lips. Than bodhi feels strange.

Bodhi realized he unconscious in that room, his bandana separated from his head and he saw Kell near him. He asked about Star, kell said that Star has leaved this place. He realized he fall in love for the first time, with Star of course. But , he couldn’t met star again. Oh ya, Kell has maked 616 like tatoo in everyone body’s same as tatoo in his body. So, bodhi wanted Kell to make tatoo 617.That symbol of 617 was STAR, STAR – TETRAHEDRON.



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